Our story

We help students achieve high results and gain confidence in their learning abilities.

Our mission is to empower our students through contemporary teaching and coaching. Welcome to T.I.A. Academy! We are an online-based tutoring company that was established on the foundation of making learning fun, clear and successful. We find our school students experience a range of important chapters in their educational journeys, which some challenges may arise.
Whether it may be being behind in class, having a lack of confidence, or looking for new ways to develop as a better individual, T.I.A. Academy embodies these experiences to provide ongoing support and guidance. Since 2017, we have developed teaching and mentorship styles and programs to best help our students go through their schooling. Not only we focus on their academics, but we also embed personal development skills within our classes to further add life-long skills.

Through our knowledge and experience, we aim to 'Transpire our Inspired students, so they can Aspire' through their schooling.
If you're either a student or parent, and your values align with ours, we welcome you to enrol for a FREE first class! We hope to see you in our classes soon!

© 2025 T.I.A. Academy - All Rights Reserved


0411 422 832